Thinking is playing. Playing with words. Playing with ideas. Playing with others in the forum and with our selves in the study. So consider play!
We see the young of many animals playing usually with one another
often in imitation of their elders. They run after one another, grab something
the other wants and run off, hide, bite and fight, without hurting one another.
Though if the play gets too rowdy, mother comes along and cuffs them. They play
with balls, pounce on moving objects, swing on ropes, run and jump even by
themselves. Sex play, including humping and rolling around, is a part of the
fun. Play is the way of learning and growing strong. Then there comes a time
when play is over and mother or father takes them on the hunt. Or they go out
to find their mate.
Human children play games
in which situations are imagined and different roles are assumed in the drama.
Playing house sometimes switching roles of mother and father and baby, enjoying
mud cake tea parties, enacting cops and robbers, setting up a neighborhood Olympics,
creating a town in a sandbox, fighting a war with toy swords or guns are
examples. Then they move to soccer, football, hockey and maybe a musical
instrument. And board games and now video games. And if they are fortunate they
have teachers who know how to have fun by making the classroom a game to extend
into a lifetime of learning.
“All the world's a
stage, and all the men and women merely players,” wrote the bard pretentiously.
Social psychologist Kurt Goldstein notes
that we play our roles in relation to
the various audiences which are given to us and/or which we choose. Which roles
are more approved by people we most care about? Which roles get us the most
recognition? Which roles do we like more? We find that some of the roles fit us
better or we just decide they do. We use these roles more and more. We exercise
and train in them. If we integrate them, they define our selves, our
characters, our souls.
Thinking is role-playing and role-playing is thinking.
But like the Star Trek Enterprise’s
holodeck (and some scientists claim the whole universe is a hologram), 1) we bring our evolved organism to the game.
And 2) there are many already coded programs we can run or adapt. And 3) we decide the program we want to run or the games to play.
We are a nexus of our genes, our memes, and our dreams. All
thinking is corporeal, cultural, and intentional. The game of life is sexual, playful, and wishful.
So let’s go out and play!
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