Meditations for a Sustainable Economy
Smith, November 2012
Meditation 1: The Story
I have lots of insights from the
Contemplative Alliance Symposium in which I participated a couple of days ago.
David Korten (Agenda for
a New Economy, The Great Turning) presented the importance of
changing our central narrative or creation story if we are to foster resilience
and integration in our economic, ecological, and (I would add) political
systems. And with this change of narrative comes a new metaphor for God.
We need to move past the
agricultural age tribal story of a Distant Patriarch or (I would add)
Nourishing Matriarch and past the industrial age story of classical science of
a Starter God who makes and switches on the machine, maybe oiling it from time
to time.
Korten articulates the new image
for God as Integral Spirit. This is a Teilhardian image of Consciousness
present, emerging, and guiding all elements and systems of the universe.
It is also Thomas Berry's notion of Nature in the fullness of Being and
Becoming. And it is the notion of Reality as portrayed by the new science and
contemporary art appearing through rational inquiry (scientific method) and
phenomenology of consciousness (artistic and religious imagination).
This story and image, some of the
participants of the symposium pointed out, is contained in and vies (usually
unsuccessfully) with the dominant narrative in the scriptures and rituals of
most of our religious traditions, e.g. the Cosmic Christ Spirit of Christianity,
the Shekhinah of Judaism, the ruh of Sufi Islam, the Sunyatta
or Annata of Buddhism.
Korten, citing some Pew
Foundation studies, indicated that over 60% of the people have abandoned the patriarchal
God of the fundamentalist Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, and Muslim hierarchy
but need avenues, language, and institutions to express the emerging
imagination and narrative; and that is a contemplative imperative. Certainly
this was the vocation that Trappist monk Thomas Merton took seriously (and also
with great humor) as my friend Bob Toth points out.
The old, angry white, usually
Christian, men and their women in America are trapped in their belief systems,
their limited images, by their own institutions even against their own
interests. Perhaps that is why they were so shocked by the last presidential
election--much more than I would have been if it had gone differently (as I
suspected it might). These Neanderthals will die out, as will I, hopefully
leaving room for the young to bring in the new imagination to support the new
economy, ecology, and polity which belongs to no one nation, party, or
Listening to and thinking about all
this I penned the following prayer in my notes:
God, you do not love
You are the Love we have for one
another and the earth.
You do not tell us things.
You are the Word we speak to
power with each other.
You do not answer our
You are the Solution emerging
through our contemplation in action.
You do not dictate truths to
You are the Truth we discover in
our cooperative inquiry.
You do not judge us.
You are the Good we intend in all
You are not a person or thing.
You are Consciousness that we
become in our selves, each other, and the universe.
Meditation 2: Meaning of Economy
Fiscal cliff crisis talk: Grand
Bargain or Grand Betrayal? Austerity to cut the deficit or stimulus to create
jobs? Give investors more to invest in what they think they can to make some
money. Or take some money from them to invest in what we think the public needs
to invest?
Everybody says let's just do what
is best for the American economy. But which and whose economy? And what do we
mean by "economy" anyway?
Two definitions from the Oxford
Economy: 1. the
state of a country or region in terms of the production and consumption of
goods and services and the supply of money. 2. careful management of
available resources
But it is helpful to consider the
origin of the concept from the same dictionary:
Late 15th
century (in the sense 'management of material resources'): from French économie,
or via Latin from Greek oikonomia 'household management',
based on oikos 'house' + nemein 'manage'.
The household or home is the
realm of sustaining life (Arendt). Oikos is also the land and the
earth, our first and basic home, the origin and sustainer of all life. And so
the word "ecology" is from the same root. One of the tragedies of
industrial modernity is the separation of economy from ecology; and thus the
loss of the sense of a universal ecosystem.
Economy is distinguished from the
polis or the civis--from which we get the words politics and
civilization. In the city or state, free citizens step out of their private
households to join with others in speech, decision, and action as equals to
create and conduct the affairs of the commons. This includes the
protection of private households and personal life and happiness
(economy/ecology): walls (laws) for defense of earth's resources and personal
property, market places, safety nets, disaster centers, routes and centers of
commerce, and police to protect them.
But action in the commons
includes so much more than protection of personal life, by making space and
time for public happiness: learning centers (universities), entertainment
centers (arenas), cultural centers (theaters, museums, institutes, temples),
parks and recreation centers, government centers, and above all centers for
free speech and action.
Culture/religion belongs to both
realms. There are household
gods, shrines, and rituals that give meaning to life. There are public gods, shrines, and rituals that
give meaning to common action. New thinkers question the gods and rituals,
especially in the public realm, at considerable risk as Jeremiah, Socrates,
Jesus, Giordano di Fiori, Galileo, Ghandi, and Martin Luther King demonstrate.
Economy, therefore, cannot be
understood without its relationship to ecology, to the commons or public realm,
and to culture or symbols of meaning.
But that is precisely what left,
right, and center in the present conversation on the economy are trying to do.
They neglect the intimate interaction of the systems of economy, ecology,
politics, and culture. They use the definition of the Oxford dictionary
and as Korten points out, identify resources with money and wealth with the
supply of money instead of using money as simply an accounting tool for true
Meditation 3: Sustainable Capitalism
Money is the capacity to consume,
to use or use up things. And we do need to consume and so produce to live.
Producing things for consumption and developing our technology to do so has
brought tremendous advances to humanity.
Money is a wonderful tool for
measuring production and consumption of things. Much better than trying to
barter or bargain--since I am terrible at that; and I am getting too old to
carry things to market. A unit of money is simply a piece of paper or an
accounting entry that shows I owe or am owed something I need, want or value.
The money system works because we all together through our governments give assurance
for the note or accounting credit or debit.
Financial Capital is measured by
the amount of money one has or the assets that can be traded or accounted for
by money. So our condo in this market is worth about $250K. I owe $125k
on my mortgage. Unless the condo appreciates or depreciates, I can count on
$125k to use to buy things if I sell our condo. However, we have to live
somewhere and intend to keep our condo. So that $125k doesn't really mean that
much. I'm just glad I don't owe the bank more. I am also glad that I can avoid
paying some taxes on my other retirement income because I can declare the
interest on my mortgage payment. My bank is glad even more because then I
wouldn't be giving them money.
Some of us seem to need or want
more than others. That's okay. I needed lots more financial capital when I was
going to school or raising my children. I need and want a lot less now. I need
and want transportation, nourishment, reading, writing, and education
(primarily through libraries and internet), interacting with my family and
friends and knowing they are and will be safe and happy, being of some use to
others, running and walking on trails and in parks, nice weather, breathing
clean air, drinking clean water, eating nourishing food, enjoying good health
and health care, and some culture and fun (primarily through museums,
institutes, schools, theaters, cafes and pubs). I do want to continue to
explore through travel but mainly locally. So these are what I value, most of
which cannot be measured in money. However, I realize that the goods and
services that provide these are measured in money.
I do not measure my worth or
success in terms of money, my capacity to buy and use (up) things. And I don't
think most people do. So I am not at all concerned about gaining more or
fearful about losing money. I think that makes me free in a very basic sense;
i.e. in the sense that I think all people should be free from fear for or want
of basic needs of life and pursuit of community and public happiness.
So I want an economy that is not
based on financial capital. I do not want an economy that functions simply by
increasing money or moving money around (usually up, to people who have the
most) without fostering real capital--like a casino does, like Wall Street
does, like housing speculation does, like buying, selling, corporatizing
businesses does, or like commodifying and depleting earth resources does. I'm
all for economic growth but not the kind that the big banks, the stock brokers,
the financial fund operators, and the transnational (i.e. non-local)
corporations mean.
I'm all for capitalism. But the
capitals in which I am most interested are human, communal, earth, spiritual,
educational, cultural capitals. These are the capitals I want to support, enhance,
and protect. A capitalism that does not grow these capitals is a sham,
unsustainable capitalism that will ultimately destroy itself by destroying its
very life supporting system.
And this is just what we are
seeing in earth change, fragmenting communities, fear and terror, non-renewable
energy depletion, and plutocracy with loss of political engagement. By focusing
on profit, by understanding profit as an increase in money not capital, by
subordinating all capitals to financial growth, by measuring success of
nations, cities, and persons by the accumulation of the private, individual
ability to consume, we are on an unsustainable path as a species.
And I think that most of us sense
this but react to it in different ways, some by building more solid walls, by
burying precious metals, by buying weapons, by trying to take things away from
others, by holding on to destructive dogmas. A better way is to redesign our
economy into a sustainable capitalism.
Meditation 4: Strategy for a Sustainable
There are three elements of a
strategy for a new economy according to Korten: 1) the new story, 2) organizing
local community, and 3) supporting policies for a sustainable earth.
The desired new narrative
embodies a different set of values in line with contemporary science, a
contemplative view of universal consciousness, and the imagination of
postindustrial relational culture. This narrative is emerging through the
weaving of many stories in the works of novelists, science fiction writers,
movie producers, historians, philosophers, and citizens of diverse communities
and backgrounds.
According to Biblical scholars,
the central narrative of the ancient Hebrews, was the product of many tribes,
each with its own gods, rituals, and customs, federating for strength in
relation to dominating empires north and south by taking monthly turns at a
common shrine in Shiloh and sharing their stories. Amphictyony, the
practice of tribes sharing a central place or worship to form a league or
association, was not an uncommon occurrence in ancient times as the Delphic
Amphictyony of Greece illustrates.
But the lesson I am taking is
that the unifying narrative for a nation or a league of nations is an emerging
and unfinished narrative developing through the listening to and sharing of
many stories. A good community organizer is one who can listen to the stories
of potential leaders, hear their interests, values, and affiliations, and
establish a space where leaders can hear the others' stories to discover
commonalities in affiliations, values, and interests. In this way leaders start
writing a transcending, unifying story for a powerful community.
Community is a self-organizing
process in which stories are shared and a transcending story emerges. In this
way, a community shapes its own boundaries, i.e. sets policies, for its
continuing development and power. Therefore, the three elements of the strategy
that Korten articulates are in deed not different moments or parts, but three
inseparable dimensions of what Jesuit Spirituality calls "contemplation in
Organizing community, as John
McKnight (The Abundant Community) has pointed out, is neither top-down
(hierarchical) nor bottom-up (populist), but inside-out. Vertical approaches
focus on scarcity in which those who have provide charity to have-nots
or victims force the haves to give up some of their possessions. Good community
organizing focuses on abundance, the assets already in persons and their
communities that when brought together can strengthen communities and their
In a sustainable economy,
existing human gifts are brought together for everyone to have. People with
their talents come to the concert to create a great symphony. Or, another
metaphor, by planting the seeds, laying the compost, and attending to nurture,
the garden grows. Investment in a sustainable economy is not putting up money
to get more money where the rich get richer and the poor don't, but putting in
capital--real capital so that everyone gets wealthier.
One last note before I get specific
and lay out my own plan.
Is it okay to get rich, like
Gates or Romney or Wall Street bankers? Sure, I have nothing against riches. If
money is what turns you on, go for it. I don't care how many cars or houses or
wives or jewelry or yachts or art pieces you need, want, or have. Just don't
screw the rest of us while getting them. And don't pretend that you are adding
anything to the sustainable economy or well-being of the nation because you are
rich and getting richer, especially if you are not adding anything to building
community, enhancing life, advancing human knowledge, and fostering dignity and
integrity in persons, among nations, with the earth. And please don't get rich
in a way that is destructive to human and planet life and community and then,
after you are rich, try to do good.
Meditation 5: Planning for A Sustainable
After the presidential election,
I identified three root issues that only arose in the campaign through
surrogate sub-issues.
They are:
1. The widening gap between the rich and everyone else with the consequent domination of the superrich and their
institutions. This means much more than tax reform or debt reduction but
re-imagining the fundamental vision, mission, and structure of our national and
global economy and its institutions. And it means the survival of a republican
form of government.
2. The state of the planet with the consequent survival of the human species. This means more than
preventing or adapting to global warming but re-imagining the fundamental
vision, mission, and structure of technological progress in relation to the
condition and future of humanity.
3. The development of cosmopolis and
the threat to freedom in and power of communities, nations, and/or the whole of
humanity. This means understanding and reviewing the structures that foster or
prevent domination, war, and terror.
Each of these issues implies the
others. Underlying them all is the vision, mission, and ethical structure or
integrity of humankind: the notions of justice, of equity, of power, and of
freedom. Organizing and planning for a sustainable and democratic economy is a
tall, many-faceted, long-term endeavor that must engage hundreds of thousands
of leaders from all sectors of human life and action in numerous experiments,
critiques, and verifications.
I presented a mind-map of these issues
to show their relationship with each other, the other sub-issues, and the
ethical underpinnings.
After the Contemplative Alliance
meeting facilitated by David Korten and some discussion with colleagues, here
is a tentative plan for experimental action that I am exploring. I present this
plan to be critiqued by colleagues and by others who are interested in
participating with me in this endeavor.
1. Listening and research. I
intend to keep reading and studying about the issues. I intend to interview
experts and leaders of NGOs that are tackling these issues, looking for
"handles" or promising points of entry for organization and action.
Bill Gates recently at the Aspen Institute reaffirmed an adage I first
learned from Tom Peters: "You get what you measure." So at this stage
and throughout, it is important to come up with specific, concrete measures for
a sustainable economy and successful humanity. If not GDP, if not "bottom
line," if not accumulation of money, what are they?
2. Local experimentation. I think
that my niche and handle to the new economy, based on my own expertise, relates
to the local and worldwide sustainable urbanism movement. I
am now facilitating a strategic planning process in a dynamic neighborhood of
DC based in my participation in my church and its sponsored housing and
community development corporation. I am in contact with leaders and organizers
in other neighborhoods of DC doing similar work. We are articulating our vision
for a livable, or what MLK called the "beloved," community. We are
reviewing our mission and measures for getting there.
3. Sustainable Communities DC.
Working with local neighborhood developers and organizers and City staff, I
want to explore a metro DC sustainable communities initiative as we have begun
to achieve in California’s
Central Valley. Working with National Community Reinvestment
Coalition regional organizers, I want to explore the developing strategy for community banking as a part of that movement. This experiment includes the "breaking
up" of the "too-big-to-fail" financial institutions by
encouraging them to work through and build the capacity of local community
banks. This is much as national government works through local
governments and NGOs to achieve our national goals; or as national and
international foundations work through local community foundations to
accomplish their mission. Or a radically new model of local neighborhood financing of commercial real estate. Or as certain franchise and cooperative organizations work. The key is
building local capacity from the inside-out.
4. National/intentional
connections. Linking to DC and East Coast based NGOs and using my relationships
with the Sustainable Community organizing in California I hope to develop the
story and build a national initiative that uses the California SB375/AB32
legislative and my local organizing experience in Fresno in reducing carbon
emissions through sustainable, resilient communities as part of the new urbanism.
I want to be in discussion with my former colleagues in HUD, EPA, USDA,
Commerce, Transportation, and the White House in relation to the federal SC initiative. I
want to contact representatives of the worldwide sustainable urbanism movement
in other countries, as I have already done in Australia, to link our stories
with theirs.
5. Emerging story. With help from
my faith-based and contemplative friends, I want to keep nourishing the global
emerging narrative, which includes the mission, values, and vision for a
sustainable economy within a sustainable ecosystem. I want to continually
learn through more listening and research as in #1.
Help me, please. Tell me what you
think and especially how to improve my thinking and my action.
A final note:
I read Ray Kurzweil and other
thinkers about the Singularity and the technological "End of History and
the Last Man." This would possibly be the new species towards which we are
evolving. Francis Fukuyama following Hegel sees the Last Man coming through
liberal, democratic political economy. My own choice (as outlined in my Ethicsof Integrity) is to never have the End
arrived, but always arriving through our choices now. That is, we renew and
celebrate human existence as the tension between past and future time, inner
and outer space, self and world, personal individuality and collective
community, reality and ideality that we indeed are at this and every moment here
and now and with. Integrity with our self, with each other, with the world, and
with our dynamically changing universe is the story of our existence and our
most urgent challenge. Let's go for it.
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